
Boise, Idaho

Bio: Im an Archaeologist, Viking Expert, sci-fi loving, fantasy adoring, equine enthusiast who loves to travel, hang out with my dog, be crafty, learn everything, and do everything with my bearded-better-half. I have a Bachelors of Science in Anthropology and a Masters in Viking Archaeology, tempered with a life of equine experience and a permanent obsession of the magnificent animal.

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4 responses to “About

  1. Hey there, I was just wondering whether your MA thesis is available online anywhere? I also wrote my MA thesis on Norse horses, though focussed on their literary counterparts in Old Norse poetry and sagas. Currently PhDing on animal-human relations (domestic animals) in medieval Iceland.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Just followed you. Mine is @itsritual — feel free to message me!


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